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The Central

Massachusetts (MA)

Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

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The Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

The Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated was chartered on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at the AC Hotel in Worcester, MA.

Chapter History

In April of 2015, Dr. Deborah Plummer, a member of the Boston Chapter (MA) of The Links, Incorporated, approached a group of five vibrant and successful women living in Worcester County about their interest in forming a group of women dedicated to sisterhood and service with the ultimate hope of chartering a chapter of The Links, Incorporated. These women, including Dr. Jean King, Dr. Camille Roberts, Dr. Jennifer Hylton, and Dr. Greer Jordan, were honored to be approached by Dr. Plummer who they each knew through their work and civic involvement. Dr. Plummer organized meetings with these women and community leaders in Worcester including the Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the CEO and President of UMass Memorial Health Care, and the CEO and President of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce. These meetings highlighted the need for such a group in the area and motivated the women to answer Dr. Plummer’s charge. Although Dr. Jordan had to move due to a job change, her efforts are still very much appreciated and valued by the group. The remaining women stayed on in their role as Organizers and Steering Committee of the Central Massachusetts Sisters of Excellence (CMSE).
Looking towards expanding the group, members of the Steering Committee began considering and approaching like-minded professional women with significant achievements in their respective careers who they hoped to invite to participate in CMSE. On January 14th of 2016, as excitement grew around chartering a chapter of The Links, Incorporated in Worcester County, CMSE held its first official meeting of 35 diverse and dynamic woman leaders in our community who the Steering Committee felt would make contributions to the vision and work of CMSE. 


It was with great excitement and pride in the summer of 2017 that the group received notice that CMSE was approved for Interest Group Status with The Links, Incorporated. Since that time, under the guidance of Ethel Isaacs Williams, Betty King Obiajulu, and Dr. Plummer, we have continued to work to establish the bonds of sisterhood and service that were the basis of the formation of CMSE. We have done this through hosting regular monthly meetings, social events, and participating in various volunteer activities including creating our original Signature Program: My Mind, My Body, My Health. 


We see the official chartering of the Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated as a shining opportunity for women of color dedicated to serving our community to come together behind important common goals. In the work we have done in the community so far, and in the bonds of friendship that have grown among us, we have seen firsthand how strong we are when we are united and wish to use that strength and our collective resources and talents to uplift our community.  We are as excited about the future of our chapter as we were when the group formed in 2016 and are enthusiastic about the work ahead. 



Past Presidents


Jennifer Hylton

Adrienne Hall-Phillips



Our Signature Program

The Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated believes that all persons should have access to the education and tools required to lead healthy lives. The Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter seeks to ensure that those tools and that education reach the most vulnerable.


Our signature program, Linked UP Towards Excellence in STEAM and Mind Body Health is a program for adolescent girls that gives them an opportunity to interact with professional women of color in STEAM and other fields, learn about various career options, and take steps together to stay smart, strong, healthy, and bold. We share time with participants exploring STEAM and STEAM careers through interactive activities and exploring health and wellness through new recipes, dance, yoga, the arts and other activities to promote good mind body health.


Our overreaching goal is to collaborate with community stakeholders to reduce health risks and disparities associated with heart disease, obesity, and mental health for program participants and their families through education, empowerment, and awareness.

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© 2018 by The Central Massachusetts (MA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

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